Tiffany Burke “The Badass Pilates Collective” Culver City


Tiffany Burke “The Badass Pilates Collective” Culver City


20 in stock

Join Tiffany for her latest Badass Pilates Collective Tour, The Athletic Era! This 2 day athletic style Pilates workshop is a collection of Tiffany’s latest and greatest athletic flows including the Reformer, Bosu, heavy weights,  Wunda Chair and TRX.

In this workshop Tiffany shares not only her favorite flows, teaching tips, and class building tools,  but also why offering your clients classes with heavy weights and HIIT flows are essential.  Learn how to create effective and efficient  classes that burn fat and build muscle  while leaving your clients feeling empowered and BADASS!

Workshop  Details:

2  day (4 hour each day) in person workshop

Digital workbook 

The digital workbook includes:

Pre filmed video of the entire workshop  for future review.

8 full length flows: 6 reformer flows, 2 Wunda Chair flows

8 full length class videos and notes featuring the workshop content.


Culver City (LA), California

Pilates Smith

12450 Washington Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90405

Dates: April, 13 & 14

Time: 1:30-5:30pm